
Mediation Services

Mediation Services

Mediate3 offers different models of dispute resolution as appropriate to the parties and the dispute.

Family Law mediators


Separating married or de facto couples may choose to engage in mediation to help resolve the terms of their agreement on parenting plans or financial matters.

They may seek assistance narrowing down issues still in dispute, or they may be required to attempt mediation as part of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia’s dispute resolution pathway. Mediate3 brings expertise in all types of family law disputes to assist parties to progress towards agreement, no matter what stage they are in their dispute.

Property settlements


Mediate3 can assist parties to reach agreement on division of assets and liabilities, superannuation splitting, spousal maintenance, and child support. All three mediators are experienced in family law financial matters. Mediate3 can also work with parties’ accountants and/or financial advisors as required.

Parenting disputes


Disputes over children’s future care arrangements can be emotionally fraught and difficult for separating parents to resolve. Mediate3 can support parties through this process with the perspective afforded by years of experience in all issues involving children’s best interests – including living arrangements, communication, healthcare and education. Mediate3’s long history working with international and regional clients ensures they bring a particular expertise, compassion and pragmatism to the complexities of parenting issues surrounding international, interstate and remote regional relocation

Commercial Mediation


A dispute about commercial or business issues can still be emotionally difficult, with far-reaching effects on parties’ personal lives and financial futures.

An experienced mediator can offer a calm approach and fresh perspective to help parties find a way to reach agreement or at least clarify the issues in dispute. Mediate3 has experience in assisting parties with partnership disputes, workplace relations issues and contractual disputes.

Rural Mediation


When parents, children, in-laws, or new partners clash over farm succession or family businesses, the distance between the parties can seem insurmountable.

Such disputes are rarely just about the value of the assets. They often involve conflicting perspectives, values and needs and the emotional investment attached to a lifetime’s work. Mediate3’s mediators have a long history of working in and supporting rural and regional communities. Their deep understanding of and empathy for parties in this situation makes them uniquely equipped to guide parties to find solutions.

Mediation Services Details


Mediate3’s wills and estate mediation services can help parties navigate issues involving contested estates, family provision claims and disputes over non-estate assets.

Whether parties engage in voluntary or compulsory mediation, they can trust their mediator to bring a calm and discreet approach to help them untangle difficult inter-generational histories, complex estates and long-standing resentments. Even if the matter does ultimately need to be litigated, mediation can help narrow the issues in dispute. Many families appreciate the opportunity to explore these issues confidentially and without prejudice.

Family Mediation Services


Conflict in families over estates or succession planning can also involve broader decisions about the care of an older family member. Emotions such as guilt, embarrassment or a desire to protect loved ones can make it difficult to express concerns.

Mediate3 offers a neutral space for families, carers, and friends to raise concerns and have difficult conversations about capacity and future care arrangements. The older person is always at the centre of the mediation. Even where their decision-making capacity is diminished, they can be supported to express an opinion or make decisions as far as possible. Where appropriate, the mediation may involve carers, health professionals or others in a facilitated conversation about the unique circumstances and needs of the older person.

Specialised and professional mediation services